THE ORGANIC DIET that your products are launched with a sense of purpose , not just to join the bandwagon . “ It ’ s ensuring that you ’ re bringing and communicating the value your products offers to consumers ,” she says , pointing to the ill-timed launch of Clorox ’ s Green Works at the start of the recession . “ Consumers aren ’ t going to just pay up for a product for the sake of it . They really want to see the value that product affords . So communicating that message effectively to the end consumer I think is key .”
Lash adds that retailers are in an especially advantageous position , able to both tailor their product mix to meet consumer demands and get into the CPG game themselves . “ You ’ ve not only seen proliferation of products from the branded side of the organic aisle , but also the private label which is an even higher margin sale for retailers ,” she says . Whole Foods Market has been particularly successful in this regard , leveraging its brand recognition for rapid growth and the deployment of its successful 365 Organics own brand .
“ I think there is a movement across the country , slowly but surely , that is gaining momentum ,” says Cappucci . “ People understand that what they ’ re putting into their mouths doesn ’ t just come from the grocery store — there ’ s a story that happens behind it , and more people are educating themselves on what that story is .”
That movement is backed up by sales – “ The Paleo and juicing connection remains strong and I don ’ t see it disappearing any time soon ,” says Ash-Milby – and because these trends are intended to be lifetime lifestyle changes , the organics industry can only be expected to continue growing as these trends grow more mainstream . It ’ s a rising tide that has the potential to lift a lot of ships — as long as each grower and retailer takes the time and energy needed to do it right .