Food Magazine March 2015 | Page 11

THE ORGANIC DIET prescribing it , more and more of the medical community are becoming aware of how food impacts these conditions . So we ’ re finding more and more people coming to Paleo on the Go before they ’ re finding the Paleo diet . It used to be that people would research the Paleo diet and then find us . Now we ’ re finding that people are finding us because they ’ re looking for ways to source good food because they know that from a health perspective they need it .”
Where consumers go , brands and manufacturers of all sizes and interests are sure to follow . As the demand for organic and better-for-you products grows , it ’ s encouraging farmers and
suppliers to shift their production model to better accommodate these growing needs or even their own changing interests . “ I talked to a Gentleman last spring here locally in Tampa who switched his operation from grain fed to grass-fed and grassfinished , because his own health was deteriorating and he started to realize that what he was doing , using grain and being part of this government-subsidized system , was actually hurting him ,” says Cappucci .