Stay Newsworthy
For many consumers , their Facebook newsfeed works like an actual newsfeed to the world , informing them of important current events . It could serve your brand well to take that approach to building your Facebook page , using it as less of a perfectly curated image gallery and as more of a platform to keep consumers abreast of breaking news within your company from new locations to employment opportunities .
Who ’ s Making It Work : In-N-Out California-based family-owned fast food chain In-N-Out keeps its Facebook page pretty no-frills simple . But one thing the brand never fails to do is give shout-outs to each and every new In-N-Out locations opening throughout the region from Cabezon to Austin , Texas . In addition to being a nice gesture , it also builds invaluable fan buzz by alerting followers of the general In-N-Out Facebook page as to whether new ones might be coming close to their homes .
10 February 2015