Food Magazine May 2015 | Page 61

Production In order to maintain the demands of high standards in the domestic and international markets , Jaguacy Brasil is constantly investing in cutting-edge technology and product certifications . Currently , it has the GlobalGAP Seal , which certifies the credibility and excellence of its fruits , and the Tesco Nurture international certification awarded to companies whose fruit or vegetable productions are produced respecting environment preservation norms .
According to Lígia Falanghe Carvalho , Director of Marketing and Human Resources of Jaguacy Brasil , the company is always seeking improvements by working close to producers . “ We try to work with producers and their products in a sustainable way through unique methodological efforts . We offer consulting services and all the support needed throughout the productive process , ” she explains .
Jaguacy Brasil manufactures avocado frozen pulp , guacamole and
Avocados are brushed for field waste removal
www . jaguacy . com . br 61