Food Magazine May 2015 | Page 47

CONSTRUCTION living away to have dinner and a catch-up . So when you ’ ve got a twenty five year old that you used to know as a ten year old dropping by to have dinner with you , it ’ s kind of special .”
Company Culture Whilst many business owners talk about building a company culture that feels like a family , most fall short in actually implementing that . For Grant and Ellie that wasn ’ t an option . Why , because family look after family , you help each other through the good and tough times and you don ’ t let family down .
“ We want to be revered for being an organization of integrity , and one you can be proud to be part of ,” said Grant . “ When we walk around in uniform with our brand on our chest we want all our team to be proud to do so . As we travel around New Zealand we frequently have people say to us , ‘ Oh , you work for G . J . Gardner . What a fantastic business to work for ’ or ‘ that ’ s a great company ’ and they tell us a good story about one of our teams building a home for them or their friends .’ That is what we get all the time . Nothing beats that feeling .”
This is a common theme throughout , with many of their supply relationships over a decade old , secured with only a handshake . Grant prides the business on forming effective supply partnerships which reduce cost to serve and increase efficiencies . This attitude of professionalism and ethics is encouraged throughout the entire network , with joint success paramount . “ We try not to have too many rules but integrity in our relationships and in everything we do is of utmost importance . Cross that line in the sand and the right to represent the brand ends ”
“ Most things in our business are driven back to ‘ Does it add value for our franchisee ?’ and most importantly ‘ Does it add value for our customer ?’ Will it help drive our vision of having every customer recommend us to their closest friend ? If not , why would we do it ?” Grant said . “ When I get to do some work with other franchise groups in New
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