Food Magazine May 2015 | Page 35

EUROPE company , outlining where we want to go in the next five years and what we need in order to get there . Part of our strategic plan was a big boost in technology and machinery investment .
“ Our capital expenditure this year is equal to that over the past three years . The single biggest investment has been the conching equipment , to further improve how the chocolate is made . The second was increasing capacity on specific product lines and the third was to upgrade certain areas and equipment facilities in order to obtain IFS certification by the middle of 2016 .”
Of course , in production especially there is constant training and there will be a need for that as Heidi receives newer technology . Many employees have served more than ten years , and retention is high . Alongside this , the company recently finalised the creation of the Heidi foundation which serves to help employees in need and offers a helping hand to worthy community projects .
Looking forward , Del Fabbro believes the last challenge he faces every day is selecting what projects to pursue . “ Enforcing some basic discipline is essential ; we need to say for 2016 ‘ these are the ten things we will be able to deliver and will make the difference ,’ let ’ s not get distracted by appealing side projects or we may diverge from our strategic journey .”
It is a nice situation to have , and Heidi Chocolate looks primed for more success in the years to come as it continues to grow internationally .

Company Information

€ 18 million
www . heidi-chocolate . com / en 35