Food Magazine May 2015 | Page 3

Sasha Orman

Thinking Outside


WELCOME TO THE May issue of Food Drink + Franchise ! It ’ s May , and this month we ’ re all about thinking outside the product .
We ’ re always thinking about the latest products and flavors — but what about the packages they come in ? It ’ s not just cans and cardboard boxes anymore . Today ’ s packaging is state of the art in its ability to keep products fresh and more accessible , and people are working hard every day to develop even better science and technology in the field .
This year has seen a breakthrough , so in this edition of FDF World we sat down with Dave Smith , CEO at LiquiGlide Inc , to discuss how the coating could revolutionize every step of the food supply chain . Then once we ’ re improved the packaging , we ’ re looking at the way we sell it , offering up four ways to improve your website redesign process so that clients and consumers can best understand what your product has to offer .
So read on , enjoy , and think about how you can improve more than just your product itself — because every little thing counts .
Enjoy the issue !
Sasha Orman
Editor Sasha . Orman @ fdfworld . com