COLINAGRO up-to-date conditions on the soil at Colombia ’ s different regions , resulting in optimizing every product ’ s formula .
COLINAGRO up-to-date conditions on the soil at Colombia ’ s different regions , resulting in optimizing every product ’ s formula .
“ Farmers ’ investments become more productive with our innovations and follow-up services ”, Conde said .
Tech Developments
Colinagro recently developed software aiding in fertilizing tasks according to the field ’ s dimensions .
The team behind Colinagro products
“ The program also helps farmer in investing wisely according to each crop ’ s need and dimensions ,” Conde explained .
Partnerships Favor the Sector ’ s Development The importance of R & D for Colinagro has taken them to partner with the Farmers Society of Colombia ( SAC ) and the Pro-Farming Chamber of the National Association of Entrepreneurs of Colombia ( ANDI ). Such alliances provide knowledge of current market trends and direct clients ’ necessities , besides providing funding for important projects and developments .
“ Working close to farmers and their unions help us to cater for their needs efficiently ,” shared Conde .
48 March 2015