Food Magazine March 2015 | Page 3

Sasha Orman


NO MAN IS AN island — that goes for businesses as well . As much as we would all like to think about how far we can go far all on our own , the fact is that we can go even farther when we work together . In this spirit of teamwork and camaraderie , we ’ re leaping forward into this latest issue of Food Drink & Franchise . There ’ s the delicate balance between industries — like the mutually beneficial relationship between diet trends like juicing and the Paleo Diet , organic producers and suppliers , and retailers and packaged consumers goods manufacturers , all of which can support each other in the rise toward success . There ’ s a special report look at businessfriend , a new social media app with goals of bringing colleagues and business teams together for more streamlined collaboration . Then there ’ s our cover piece , featuring Australian meats and smallgoods manufacturer Primo Smallgoods . Recently acquired by Brazilian meat powerhouse JBS , Primo is leveraging that new partnership to take its operations outside of Australia and New Zealand to new markets throughout Asia .
So read on , enjoy , and consider how strengthening your bonds and advancing your partnerships can strengthen your own business even further in the year ahead .
Sasha Orman
Editor Sasha . Orman @ wdmgroup . com