TOP 10
Food safety
Consumer trust in the food and drink industry is waning fast . In fact , a study by the Center for Food Integrity went so far to say that there is a “ trust deficit ” that exists between consumers and the sector as a whole . As retailers are under greater scrutiny to deliver higher-quality food at more competitive prices and as supply chains become more complex this problem has been amplified by food scandals and food fraud . In a survey by NFU Mutual , for instance , one-third of British people said that they are less trusting of products and retailers than they were five years ago . To tackle this , producers , retailers and caterers may consider using shorter or local supply chains to win the hearts and confidence of their customers . Alternatively , technology like blockchain could play a key role . Regardless of the solution , however , it seems that enhancing food safety and improving consumer trust will continue to remain the issue on everyone ’ s lips in 2019 .