Food Magazine December 2017 | Page 9

key requisite for any farming operation to become truly sustainable .
“ We have to think about how we can use plant protection technology more efficiently ,” Buchtala says . “ If we are to solve this issue , then there is a high potential for further innovations in the agriculture sector regarding herbicides , fertilisation and irrigation .”
Creative clout If any two companies hold the technological and agricultural expertise to transform the concept of smart farming into a reality , it is Bosch and Bayer . Their combined annual revenue of well over $ 140bn also means the partnership carries the financial might to make a difference on a global scale .
The current partnership is a three-year agreement that involves the joint development of smart spraying technology which can detect which parts of fields need herbicide application .
“ We entered the partnership with Bayer around a year ago and at this time we started to really canvass the views of the farmers and what they wanted from this ,” Buchtala adds . “ The first components with basic functionality will be delivered next year to pilot customers . It is a quick turnaround , but one we are confident of achieving .”
Buchtala has no hesitation in predicting a rapid uptake of the technology once it appears on the market , with Bosch intending to initially target European , North and South American and Australian markets .
Milliseconds Once rolled out , the smart spraying technology has the potential to bring the agricultural numbers game up to a whole new level .
From detection to application , the solution works in 300-millisecond cycles . “ The first step is to record images with cameras that cover the entire operating range of the sprayer ,”

Jochen Fehse

Part of Buchtala ’ s team