Food Magazine April 2018 | Page 28


plant in Sweden , more than 86,000 chickens arrive each day from neighbouring farms to be transformed into the company ’ s various product lines . “ We have tough competition from imported chicken ,” explains Production Manager Tobias Abrahamsson . “ If consumers think only of their wallets they will choose imported chicken .” Guldfågeln bought its first robot in 2011 after a tender was awarded to ABB ’ s Value Provider Evomatic . Robots now handle the palletisation of cardboard boxes in a cold storage facility with high humidity .
In the open food environment , ABB ensures food safety and protection from contamination with its aluminium motors , stainless steel valves , measurement devices and motors . It ’ s why the company won a contract , through its Thailand-based channel partner SSB Siam Co . Ltd , to supply motors to Cargill Meats to help run its poultry processing facility in Nakhon Ratchasima province . An agribusiness and food giant , Cargill is currently expanding its poultry processing facility where the stainless steel washdown motors from ABB will ensure efficient and reliable operations , helping meet the high quality and safety
28 April 2018